
TeaRia • Chapter 25 • Page ik-page-3536013
Chapter 25
This is a locked chapterChapter 25
About This Chapter
Elmire tells the story of the goddess Anthony, who ruled over her kingdom for 200 years. She allowed her kingdom to grow so powerful that wars never got to happen. She also allowed her son, Antony, to rule over his own kingdom. Antony's body was so strong and full of life that he seemed to be overflowing with luck. Elmire wants to know why Antony seems to be so fond of her. She tells him that Antony is his best friend, and that Antony and his father seem to be getting along well. She asks him to invite Antony to their house, but he refuses, saying that he doesn't want the military involved. He also tells Elmire that he has a feeling that he was the one who stabbed him, and asks her to calm down.
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TeaRia • Chapter 25 • Page ik-page-3536013
Chapter 25
This is a locked chapterChapter 25
About This Chapter
Elmire tells the story of the goddess Anthony, who ruled over her kingdom for 200 years. She allowed her kingdom to grow so powerful that wars never got to happen. She also allowed her son, Antony, to rule over his own kingdom. Antony's body was so strong and full of life that he seemed to be overflowing with luck. Elmire wants to know why Antony seems to be so fond of her. She tells him that Antony is his best friend, and that Antony and his father seem to be getting along well. She asks him to invite Antony to their house, but he refuses, saying that he doesn't want the military involved. He also tells Elmire that he has a feeling that he was the one who stabbed him, and asks her to calm down.
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