The Governess thanks the Governess for coming to the hospital. She says she remembers when she was little, when her parents took her there, it was a long wait like this. She asks the podiatric doctors if it's because she often injures her feet. The doctor says yes. The wound is caused by "glass shards" and she's going to have to apply medicine to it. Let's have a game. A rabbit and a turtle are racing, and the rabbit wins. The turtle wins again, but this time, the turtle is wearing sunglasses. The game is over, and everyone is just friends.
The Governess thanks the Governess for coming to the hospital. She says she remembers when she was little, when her parents took her there, it was a long wait like this. She asks the podiatric doctors if it's because she often injures her feet. The doctor says yes. The wound is caused by "glass shards" and she's going to have to apply medicine to it. Let's have a game. A rabbit and a turtle are racing, and the rabbit wins. The turtle wins again, but this time, the turtle is wearing sunglasses. The game is over, and everyone is just friends.