The next morning, the emperor's guardsman, yanpei, explains that he has been ordered to protect the empress's majesty. He has just been promoted to the rank of general, and he has not seen the emperor in a while. . He asks the emperor why he is asking about the family, and the emperor replies that he does not want to discuss the matter further, as the late emperor had forbidden it. The emperor then asks the guardsman what he wants to do. He wants to find a way to help the common people, because he is from the countryside and has been through a lot of hardship.
The next morning, the emperor's guardsman, yanpei, explains that he has been ordered to protect the empress's majesty. He has just been promoted to the rank of general, and he has not seen the emperor in a while. . He asks the emperor why he is asking about the family, and the emperor replies that he does not want to discuss the matter further, as the late emperor had forbidden it. The emperor then asks the guardsman what he wants to do. He wants to find a way to help the common people, because he is from the countryside and has been through a lot of hardship.