This time, the new emperor asks the old emperor if he knows who she is. The old emperor says he doesn't know. The new emperor says she's actually the jade emperor. The jade emperor is a taoism deity. If the ruler of a country is a silly girl like you , then the country is doomed. The emperor tells the old woman to wake up. She's going to learn about the new government under the regency of the regent later that day. She needs to rest, the emperor says. He tells her to get up and go to the doctor. He also tells her that the uncle and niece are both sick. The uncle is getting better, the niece is getting sick, and the emperor is sick. He says he'll go see the doctor and tell him his true identity. The regent has arrived.
This time, the new emperor asks the old emperor if he knows who she is. The old emperor says he doesn't know. The new emperor says she's actually the jade emperor. The jade emperor is a taoism deity. If the ruler of a country is a silly girl like you , then the country is doomed. The emperor tells the old woman to wake up. She's going to learn about the new government under the regency of the regent later that day. She needs to rest, the emperor says. He tells her to get up and go to the doctor. He also tells her that the uncle and niece are both sick. The uncle is getting better, the niece is getting sick, and the emperor is sick. He says he'll go see the doctor and tell him his true identity. The regent has arrived.