Ascent To The Throne • Chapter 22 • Page ik-page-860914
Ascent To The Throne • Chapter 22 • Page ik-page-860915
Ascent To The Throne • Chapter 22 • Page ik-page-860916
Chapter 22
This is a locked chapterChapter 22
About This Chapter
If I get taken away then I really cant teach you. He says that he can go into the library whenever he wants. He promises to help him find the records of the Ministry of Justice as long as he's willing to teach him how to write. If he doesn't write well, he'll give him a copy of his writing, which he can then trace back to himself. He also promises to write some chapters that he likes from the book of songs, which can broaden your horizons. He wants to find all the cases from 20th to 26th of taichu, six whole years. He asks if you're preparing to investigate any cases, and if so, where to find him. He tells you to go to the "xiao manor" , which is in the south part of the city, and find him, because what he wants to do isn't related to you. The narrator tells us that the new emperor has been studying in the library, and that his granddaughter, the grandson of the old emperor, has been practicing her writing. He's been practicing his writing for a month now, and he says that his writing is improving. He thanks the calligrapher for his help, but he still thinks that the calligrapher is suspicious. He wonders if it's okay for them to help the calligrapher steal the records.
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Ascent To The Throne • Chapter 22 • Page ik-page-860914
Ascent To The Throne • Chapter 22 • Page ik-page-860915
Ascent To The Throne • Chapter 22 • Page ik-page-860916
Chapter 22
This is a locked chapterChapter 22
About This Chapter
If I get taken away then I really cant teach you. He says that he can go into the library whenever he wants. He promises to help him find the records of the Ministry of Justice as long as he's willing to teach him how to write. If he doesn't write well, he'll give him a copy of his writing, which he can then trace back to himself. He also promises to write some chapters that he likes from the book of songs, which can broaden your horizons. He wants to find all the cases from 20th to 26th of taichu, six whole years. He asks if you're preparing to investigate any cases, and if so, where to find him. He tells you to go to the "xiao manor" , which is in the south part of the city, and find him, because what he wants to do isn't related to you. The narrator tells us that the new emperor has been studying in the library, and that his granddaughter, the grandson of the old emperor, has been practicing her writing. He's been practicing his writing for a month now, and he says that his writing is improving. He thanks the calligrapher for his help, but he still thinks that the calligrapher is suspicious. He wonders if it's okay for them to help the calligrapher steal the records.
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