The Full-Time Wife Escapist 1-9

The Full-Time Wife Escapist 1-9 • Chapter 10: Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained • Page ik-page-291396
The Full-Time Wife Escapist 1-9 • Chapter 10: Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained • Page ik-page-291382
The Full-Time Wife Escapist 1-9 • Chapter 10: Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained • Page ik-page-291380
Chapter 10: Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained
This is a locked chapterChapter 10: Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained
About This Chapter
Mikuri asks tsuzaki what he's up to. Mikuri doesn't want to ask him to pay for his tooth treatment, but he'd rather wait and see what he can do about it before asking for money. Aww, that's kind of like asking for a marriage proposal, right? Mikuri says he'll just focus on his tooth problem for now. He's not asking Mikuri to give him money, though, because Mikuri isn't asking him to give her money. He asks Mikuri if he can borrow the money, but Mikuri won't let him borrow it, saying it's way too soon for Mikuri's relationship with s/he and Mikuri, who's only about thirty-six years old. He also says he hasn't found a job since graduating from college, so Mikuri can't even send Mikuri over a bottle of plum syrup or a plum wine to thank her for returning the rental video Mikuri rented. He tells Mikuri that Mikuri might want to have children, but she shouldn't because she's still a virgin, and she'll have to put off having children again and again, Mikuri thinks. Miuri says she'd never have a cousin, but that'd be better if Mikuri had kids early, so they could have more time to get married and have kids together. She'd have a little more freedom to be away from Mikuri when she needed to, so she wouldn't need to spend so much money on food for the kids. Mipuri says she ran into Mikuri the other day, and he wants to hire Mikuri as an employee, so he can help Mikuri with her household chores. She says she can do whatever Mikuri wants, since Mikuri is the only one who can do it for her.
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The Full-Time Wife Escapist 1-9

The Full-Time Wife Escapist 1-9 • Chapter 10: Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained • Page ik-page-291396
The Full-Time Wife Escapist 1-9 • Chapter 10: Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained • Page ik-page-291382
The Full-Time Wife Escapist 1-9 • Chapter 10: Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained • Page ik-page-291380
Chapter 10: Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained
This is a locked chapterChapter 10: Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained
About This Chapter
Mikuri asks tsuzaki what he's up to. Mikuri doesn't want to ask him to pay for his tooth treatment, but he'd rather wait and see what he can do about it before asking for money. Aww, that's kind of like asking for a marriage proposal, right? Mikuri says he'll just focus on his tooth problem for now. He's not asking Mikuri to give him money, though, because Mikuri isn't asking him to give her money. He asks Mikuri if he can borrow the money, but Mikuri won't let him borrow it, saying it's way too soon for Mikuri's relationship with s/he and Mikuri, who's only about thirty-six years old. He also says he hasn't found a job since graduating from college, so Mikuri can't even send Mikuri over a bottle of plum syrup or a plum wine to thank her for returning the rental video Mikuri rented. He tells Mikuri that Mikuri might want to have children, but she shouldn't because she's still a virgin, and she'll have to put off having children again and again, Mikuri thinks. Miuri says she'd never have a cousin, but that'd be better if Mikuri had kids early, so they could have more time to get married and have kids together. She'd have a little more freedom to be away from Mikuri when she needed to, so she wouldn't need to spend so much money on food for the kids. Mipuri says she ran into Mikuri the other day, and he wants to hire Mikuri as an employee, so he can help Mikuri with her household chores. She says she can do whatever Mikuri wants, since Mikuri is the only one who can do it for her.
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