The ending seemed a bit sudden, but I really liked this series! I read Tokyo Tarareba Girls before this and I really disliked the ending, so I’m happy this one ended happily enough.
This one is really good! It asks a lot of questions about modern society and relationships and gives different perspectives on how they could work. I wouldn’t mind a relationship like this, where both sides acknowledge that all the housework is a real job, too!
Very beautiful. I myself have been single my entire life and I just love how this manga dwells in the fears that come with that. It honestly opened up a new perspective on how I view the role that I have in this world. Single or not, such things shouldn’t matter when it comes to self worth. Sometimes in life you just have to run away or go for it. Whatever it is, value yourself in every decision you make no matter what society says. Thanks for the great read!
The ending seemed a bit sudden, but I really liked this series! I read Tokyo Tarareba Girls before this and I really disliked the ending, so I’m happy this one ended happily enough.
This one is really good! It asks a lot of questions about modern society and relationships and gives different perspectives on how they could work. I wouldn’t mind a relationship like this, where both sides acknowledge that all the housework is a real job, too!
Very beautiful. I myself have been single my entire life and I just love how this manga dwells in the fears that come with that. It honestly opened up a new perspective on how I view the role that I have in this world. Single or not, such things shouldn’t matter when it comes to self worth. Sometimes in life you just have to run away or go for it. Whatever it is, value yourself in every decision you make no matter what society says. Thanks for the great read!
The Full-Time Wife Escapist 1-9
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