I'll Give You the Best Service... • Chapter 19 • Page ik-page-5159561
I'll Give You the Best Service... • Chapter 19 • Page ik-page-5152344
Chapter 19
This is a locked chapterChapter 19
About This Chapter
The next day at the festival, Tomouchi confesses that he has broken off his relationship with Chinatsu. He tells her that he knows this because he asked her if she was in love with him, and she gave him a vague response. She already rejected him earlier, and he is worried about her. He asks her to introduce him to some of the company's employees and she says that she will do so. He shows her the candy apple that he bought and she guesses that it is the set of fireworks that he won. She tells him that she was really happy when he called her his girlfriend, and that she feels the same way since he did not say that he wanted to date her. She asks him to "date her with the intent to marry."
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I'll Give You the Best Service... • Chapter 19 • Page ik-page-5159561
I'll Give You the Best Service... • Chapter 19 • Page ik-page-5152344
Chapter 19
This is a locked chapterChapter 19
About This Chapter
The next day at the festival, Tomouchi confesses that he has broken off his relationship with Chinatsu. He tells her that he knows this because he asked her if she was in love with him, and she gave him a vague response. She already rejected him earlier, and he is worried about her. He asks her to introduce him to some of the company's employees and she says that she will do so. He shows her the candy apple that he bought and she guesses that it is the set of fireworks that he won. She tells him that she was really happy when he called her his girlfriend, and that she feels the same way since he did not say that he wanted to date her. She asks him to "date her with the intent to marry."
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