I'll Give You the Best Service... • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-5158460
I'll Give You the Best Service... • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-5152195
Chapter 4
This is a locked chapterChapter 4
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the young master of an inn in the hot spring city of Miyuni, in northeastern Japan, gives a tour of the place to a young woman who has come to stay at the inn. The woman, named "dump" by the master, is angry with the man who raped her the night before, and she is upset that he has not apologized for the crime. The young master tells her that she can go on a sightseeing tour with him, and he will also take her to the house where she lived before the night of the rape.
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I'll Give You the Best Service... • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-5158460
I'll Give You the Best Service... • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-5152195
Chapter 4
This is a locked chapterChapter 4
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the young master of an inn in the hot spring city of Miyuni, in northeastern Japan, gives a tour of the place to a young woman who has come to stay at the inn. The woman, named "dump" by the master, is angry with the man who raped her the night before, and she is upset that he has not apologized for the crime. The young master tells her that she can go on a sightseeing tour with him, and he will also take her to the house where she lived before the night of the rape.
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