I'll Give You the Best Service... • Chapter 18 • Page ik-page-5159560
Chapter 18
This is a locked chapterChapter 18
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we learn that we're in the middle of a "hot and wet" scene. We're not sure what's going on, but it's definitely not a good time to be in a steamy hot tub. We also learn that the hot tub is full of "cotton candy" , which is a kind of dried fruit that's supposed to make you feel hotter and hotter. It's also kind of a bad idea, because the dried fruit is supposed to be super-hot, too.
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I'll Give You the Best Service... • Chapter 18 • Page ik-page-5159560
Chapter 18
This is a locked chapterChapter 18
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we learn that we're in the middle of a "hot and wet" scene. We're not sure what's going on, but it's definitely not a good time to be in a steamy hot tub. We also learn that the hot tub is full of "cotton candy" , which is a kind of dried fruit that's supposed to make you feel hotter and hotter. It's also kind of a bad idea, because the dried fruit is supposed to be super-hot, too.
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