Endless Divorce • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-5127205
Endless Divorce • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-5118109
Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterChapter 5
About This Chapter
It's been a while since we've seen noriko, but she's feeling a little better. She's off to a teacher's conference, and she asks her mom to come along. She tells her mom that she'll be there, and then she and her mom start talking about how much they're sorry for what they've done, and how they'll have to do it all over again. It turns out that they have all of their company's classified information on them, and that's why they can't do anything about it. They're all like, "Gee, I'm so sorry, and I'll just go by myself tomorrow" . They decide to celebrate their anniversary by going to a place where they like to go.
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Endless Divorce • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-5127205
Endless Divorce • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-5118109
Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterChapter 5
About This Chapter
It's been a while since we've seen noriko, but she's feeling a little better. She's off to a teacher's conference, and she asks her mom to come along. She tells her mom that she'll be there, and then she and her mom start talking about how much they're sorry for what they've done, and how they'll have to do it all over again. It turns out that they have all of their company's classified information on them, and that's why they can't do anything about it. They're all like, "Gee, I'm so sorry, and I'll just go by myself tomorrow" . They decide to celebrate their anniversary by going to a place where they like to go.
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