Now that the kingdom is under the prince's control, the boy wonders how he's managed to become a "grand mage" . He's excited that he'll be able to share his happiness with the rest of the kingdom, and he hopes that his father will be the one to do it for him. He also hopes that one day, the prince will awaken from his sleep and use his magic to destroy his father and mother. The boy begs his father to let him escape for a hundred days so that he can prove his resolve.
Now that the kingdom is under the prince's control, the boy wonders how he's managed to become a "grand mage" . He's excited that he'll be able to share his happiness with the rest of the kingdom, and he hopes that his father will be the one to do it for him. He also hopes that one day, the prince will awaken from his sleep and use his magic to destroy his father and mother. The boy begs his father to let him escape for a hundred days so that he can prove his resolve.