Don't Make a Wish

Don't Make a Wish • Chapter 26 Part 1 • Page ik-page-4764632
Chapter 26 Part 1
This is a locked chapterChapter 26 Part 1
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I want it all. story and art. Heiyi in the New Year. What kind of person are you with the pen 177 People who share your affinity with . come, pull the rope. Someone who will be there for you when you need them. who can help you while you do not know it. who will save you while your wish comes true. Sometimes, when she says something nice to Caius, she suddenly doesn't dare look at Caius' eyes. She suddenly wonders if he will think her a fool. It's the fear of knowing the other person's thoughts that keeps her from loving Caius. Caius should not watch the execution, she tells her sister, because if he is killed, they will get along better. She tells Caius to get up and be emotionless. Sometimes she feels bad because of comments she has made. She says she wants her family to be together like a tv drama she watched. It was because she was angry when her parents didn't respond. Now, she says, she can do it. facing the people she cares about. She won't be afraid. she will look directly into Caius eyes and convey her sincerity. she says she is willing to suffer his wrath, but if it is possible, please don't use physical attacks. it is settled that Caius accepted her and fulfilled her wish.
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Don't Make a Wish

Don't Make a Wish • Chapter 26 Part 1 • Page ik-page-4764632
Chapter 26 Part 1
This is a locked chapterChapter 26 Part 1
About This Chapter
I want it all. story and art. Heiyi in the New Year. What kind of person are you with the pen 177 People who share your affinity with . come, pull the rope. Someone who will be there for you when you need them. who can help you while you do not know it. who will save you while your wish comes true. Sometimes, when she says something nice to Caius, she suddenly doesn't dare look at Caius' eyes. She suddenly wonders if he will think her a fool. It's the fear of knowing the other person's thoughts that keeps her from loving Caius. Caius should not watch the execution, she tells her sister, because if he is killed, they will get along better. She tells Caius to get up and be emotionless. Sometimes she feels bad because of comments she has made. She says she wants her family to be together like a tv drama she watched. It was because she was angry when her parents didn't respond. Now, she says, she can do it. facing the people she cares about. She won't be afraid. she will look directly into Caius eyes and convey her sincerity. she says she is willing to suffer his wrath, but if it is possible, please don't use physical attacks. it is settled that Caius accepted her and fulfilled her wish.
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