X - Age of the Dragon • Chapter 114 • Page ik-page-4801432
Chapter 114
This is a locked chapterChapter 114
About This Chapter
This chapter's epigraph is from a poem by Siddhartha Mukherjee. It's a poem about the power of love. It describes the relationship between a person and his or her environment. It also describes how love can be broken. In this poem, we see that love is broken, and that love can only be broken when it's broken. The poem ends with a quote from Buddha, who says, "Love is the only thing that can break a man's heart." In this passage, Buddha says that love has the power to break a person's soul. In other words, love can break the heart of a man. The protagonist of this chapter is a young man named Yun tiankong. He's about Yun's age, and he's the protagonist of the previous chapter. Yun tells the protagonist that he can play with him and tell him stories about his mother. He also tells him that he should obey his brother. Yun says that he doesn't have to catch a lot of fish to be a good friend. He says that his mother told him to behave himself, and Yun is just like his mom. He tells Yun to treat him like a friend and not to make any trouble later. He asks Yun to tell him an old story. Yun asks if he could tell him a story about his mom today. Yun replies that he could. He then tells him to hold on to the stable voltage. When the voltage falls down, Yun asks why. He wants to know where the protagonist locked people from the skysea city. He explains that he has something important to accomplish. He
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X - Age of the Dragon • Chapter 114 • Page ik-page-4801432
Chapter 114
This is a locked chapterChapter 114
About This Chapter
This chapter's epigraph is from a poem by Siddhartha Mukherjee. It's a poem about the power of love. It describes the relationship between a person and his or her environment. It also describes how love can be broken. In this poem, we see that love is broken, and that love can only be broken when it's broken. The poem ends with a quote from Buddha, who says, "Love is the only thing that can break a man's heart." In this passage, Buddha says that love has the power to break a person's soul. In other words, love can break the heart of a man. The protagonist of this chapter is a young man named Yun tiankong. He's about Yun's age, and he's the protagonist of the previous chapter. Yun tells the protagonist that he can play with him and tell him stories about his mother. He also tells him that he should obey his brother. Yun says that he doesn't have to catch a lot of fish to be a good friend. He says that his mother told him to behave himself, and Yun is just like his mom. He tells Yun to treat him like a friend and not to make any trouble later. He asks Yun to tell him an old story. Yun asks if he could tell him a story about his mom today. Yun replies that he could. He then tells him to hold on to the stable voltage. When the voltage falls down, Yun asks why. He wants to know where the protagonist locked people from the skysea city. He explains that he has something important to accomplish. He
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