X - Age of the Dragon

X - Age of the Dragon • Chapter 93 Part 1 • Page ik-page-4795534
Chapter 93 Part 1
This is a locked chapterChapter 93 Part 1
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the ghost dragon has summoned a young boy named Yun tiankong to fight with him. The young boy, who is named after the ghost of a famous teacher, wishes that he were a good boy, so that he could fight with the ghost. He also wishes that the young boy could summon a dragon, but the boy says that he does not have the power to do so, because he is not strong enough to fight a dragon with his own hands. The boy then tells us that he hates his teacher very much, and that he will beat him until he is crippled. He tells the boy that the dragon of the teacher was cut off by the boy's sword, but that the sword was forged by his sister, who had created the sword for the boy. The sword was made of seven flying axes, and the boy had to step back in order to see what was going on. He says that this is the first time he has ever seen a person fight against a dragon on his own. He explains that the physical force of the dragon comes from the body, but it is the spiritual force that is the most difficult. The pain of the wound is the strongest energy source for the dragon, and it is this pain that makes the dragon stronger. The children are all dead, and they are all gone forever.
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X - Age of the Dragon

X - Age of the Dragon • Chapter 93 Part 1 • Page ik-page-4795534
Chapter 93 Part 1
This is a locked chapterChapter 93 Part 1
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the ghost dragon has summoned a young boy named Yun tiankong to fight with him. The young boy, who is named after the ghost of a famous teacher, wishes that he were a good boy, so that he could fight with the ghost. He also wishes that the young boy could summon a dragon, but the boy says that he does not have the power to do so, because he is not strong enough to fight a dragon with his own hands. The boy then tells us that he hates his teacher very much, and that he will beat him until he is crippled. He tells the boy that the dragon of the teacher was cut off by the boy's sword, but that the sword was forged by his sister, who had created the sword for the boy. The sword was made of seven flying axes, and the boy had to step back in order to see what was going on. He says that this is the first time he has ever seen a person fight against a dragon on his own. He explains that the physical force of the dragon comes from the body, but it is the spiritual force that is the most difficult. The pain of the wound is the strongest energy source for the dragon, and it is this pain that makes the dragon stronger. The children are all dead, and they are all gone forever.
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