In this chapter, the reader is introduced to a new character, a young man named tiankong, who has just returned from the battlefield. . The young man, who is also known as tian-kong, is a member of the Chaos Society, a group of scientists who study the effects of chemicals on the human body. He is also the leader of the group that has been studying the "dragon flame stone" , which is a substance that is used to warm the body by burning hot coals. He explains that the flame stone can last for 24 hours, but that it is more difficult because of the sharp senses of the young man.
In this chapter, the reader is introduced to a new character, a young man named tiankong, who has just returned from the battlefield. . The young man, who is also known as tian-kong, is a member of the Chaos Society, a group of scientists who study the effects of chemicals on the human body. He is also the leader of the group that has been studying the "dragon flame stone" , which is a substance that is used to warm the body by burning hot coals. He explains that the flame stone can last for 24 hours, but that it is more difficult because of the sharp senses of the young man.