Soul Land - The Legendary Tangs' Hero • Chapter 35 (Part 2) • Page ik-page-4615515
Chapter 35 (Part 2)
This is a locked chapterChapter 35 (Part 2)
About This Chapter
The six god realms are now ready to attack the Douluo God realm. The god of destruction's outer shield has been destroyed, and the god of peace's central shield has also been destroyed. The seven god realms now have the upper hand, but the eight god realms still have a ways to go before they can defeat the six god-rebels.
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Soul Land - The Legendary Tangs' Hero • Chapter 35 (Part 2) • Page ik-page-4615515
Chapter 35 (Part 2)
This is a locked chapterChapter 35 (Part 2)
About This Chapter
The six god realms are now ready to attack the Douluo God realm. The god of destruction's outer shield has been destroyed, and the god of peace's central shield has also been destroyed. The seven god realms now have the upper hand, but the eight god realms still have a ways to go before they can defeat the six god-rebels.
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