The three demon kings are gone, and many divine demons have been killed by them. This is a big problem for the chuang clan, because they don't have enough divine warriors to fight them. The chuang master tells the master to kill all of the divine warriors. He says that if he kills one of them early, everyone will praise him for killing a dangerous opponent. He also says that he's a vegetarian, so he'll be able to get more credit for killing the enemy than for killing his own brother. Senior says that this is weird, because the demon kings who killed all of our divine demons couldn't be so weak. Senior points out that his own domain can't detect anything that's ten feet underground, so it's not like he can see what's going on underground. The whole battlefield is covered in dark water, and Senior says, "you ruined my promotion" .
The three demon kings are gone, and many divine demons have been killed by them. This is a big problem for the chuang clan, because they don't have enough divine warriors to fight them. The chuang master tells the master to kill all of the divine warriors. He says that if he kills one of them early, everyone will praise him for killing a dangerous opponent. He also says that he's a vegetarian, so he'll be able to get more credit for killing the enemy than for killing his own brother. Senior says that this is weird, because the demon kings who killed all of our divine demons couldn't be so weak. Senior points out that his own domain can't detect anything that's ten feet underground, so it's not like he can see what's going on underground. The whole battlefield is covered in dark water, and Senior says, "you ruined my promotion" .