Azure Legacy

Azure Legacy • Chapter 124 • Page ik-page-4449848
Chapter 124
This is a locked chapterChapter 124
About This Chapter
Each time he finishes a painting, he begins to question his heart. He also begins to think about his soul. He has reached the third stage of his primal soul, also known as the "stealth realm of soul" . He patrols around the gushan mansion twice a day to help the other province. They have enjoyed their life. They havent encountered any heavenly demon kings in the past three years. They need to buy some spare ribs. He gives them 2 pounds. He tells his wife to come along with him and help him. He asks her if she is pregnant. She tells him that it is a special day. He says that he will handle everything for her. He feels happy that he has become a father for the first time. He warns her that if a heavenly demon king comes, he will use the phoenix to protect her, but he will not let her or his wife be separated. He will not rush into danger and he wont let her either. He begins to paint. He wants to reflect the happy feeling of his wife and his babies in the painting.
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Azure Legacy

Azure Legacy • Chapter 124 • Page ik-page-4449848
Chapter 124
This is a locked chapterChapter 124
About This Chapter
Each time he finishes a painting, he begins to question his heart. He also begins to think about his soul. He has reached the third stage of his primal soul, also known as the "stealth realm of soul" . He patrols around the gushan mansion twice a day to help the other province. They have enjoyed their life. They havent encountered any heavenly demon kings in the past three years. They need to buy some spare ribs. He gives them 2 pounds. He tells his wife to come along with him and help him. He asks her if she is pregnant. She tells him that it is a special day. He says that he will handle everything for her. He feels happy that he has become a father for the first time. He warns her that if a heavenly demon king comes, he will use the phoenix to protect her, but he will not let her or his wife be separated. He will not rush into danger and he wont let her either. He begins to paint. He wants to reflect the happy feeling of his wife and his babies in the painting.
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