In this short scene, a young man named Hyuk choi is introduced to the audience. He is a candidate for a marketing internship at a company called "Kh enterprises." The company has just announced that it has accepted him into the company's ranks for the 2021 internship. The young man is excited to be introduced to his new boss, but he is worried that he will not be able to do well in his new job. He asks Hyuk to stay with him the night so that he can rest. Hyuk tells him that the company will be sending him an e-mail informing him that he has been accepted into their ranks. He tells the young man that he is welcome to return after lunch. The two young men eat lunch together.
In this short scene, a young man named Hyuk choi is introduced to the audience. He is a candidate for a marketing internship at a company called "Kh enterprises." The company has just announced that it has accepted him into the company's ranks for the 2021 internship. The young man is excited to be introduced to his new boss, but he is worried that he will not be able to do well in his new job. He asks Hyuk to stay with him the night so that he can rest. Hyuk tells him that the company will be sending him an e-mail informing him that he has been accepted into their ranks. He tells the young man that he is welcome to return after lunch. The two young men eat lunch together.