Soul Land V - The Rebirth of Tang San • Chapter 35 • Page ik-page-4373386
Chapter 35
This is a locked chapterChapter 35
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we are introduced to a new generation of warriors, who are younger and more agile than the previous generation. We learn that the new generation is led by a young man named "Swish" and that he is a member of the elite fighting force known as the Shaolin Monks. We also learn that this new generation's leader, named "Tang San," is the son of the founder of the current generation, the legendary warrior "Old Guan." We are also introduced to "swish," who is a new type of martial artist, and who is also a disciple of the legendary martial artist "Old guan." The two of them discuss how they can use their new martial arts skills to help the younger generation fight better.
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Soul Land V - The Rebirth of Tang San • Chapter 35 • Page ik-page-4373386
Chapter 35
This is a locked chapterChapter 35
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we are introduced to a new generation of warriors, who are younger and more agile than the previous generation. We learn that the new generation is led by a young man named "Swish" and that he is a member of the elite fighting force known as the Shaolin Monks. We also learn that this new generation's leader, named "Tang San," is the son of the founder of the current generation, the legendary warrior "Old Guan." We are also introduced to "swish," who is a new type of martial artist, and who is also a disciple of the legendary martial artist "Old guan." The two of them discuss how they can use their new martial arts skills to help the younger generation fight better.
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