This Woman's Body Tells Lies • Chapter 18 • Page ik-page-4409576
Chapter 18
This is a locked chapterChapter 18
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we meet the young man who went to the "companion" site to find his "dream" wife. He tells us that he's been waiting for her for a long time, and that she has accepted him for who he is. He says that he thought things would be over when she accepted him, but now that she's busy, he doesn't get as much time to see her. The young man wonders if he'll ever find a "true mommy" like his mom, and he says that's a big if. He asks if she'll be his girlfriend, and she says she'd be his "who knew debt" . She also says that the man is a "wonderful president," and that he might be a "good match" for her. He's not sure if she is a true mommy, but he'd like to be close to her.
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This Woman's Body Tells Lies • Chapter 18 • Page ik-page-4409576
Chapter 18
This is a locked chapterChapter 18
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we meet the young man who went to the "companion" site to find his "dream" wife. He tells us that he's been waiting for her for a long time, and that she has accepted him for who he is. He says that he thought things would be over when she accepted him, but now that she's busy, he doesn't get as much time to see her. The young man wonders if he'll ever find a "true mommy" like his mom, and he says that's a big if. He asks if she'll be his girlfriend, and she says she'd be his "who knew debt" . She also says that the man is a "wonderful president," and that he might be a "good match" for her. He's not sure if she is a true mommy, but he'd like to be close to her.
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