“That’s Too Bad... Should We Stop Here, Then?” My Reliable Senior is Dead Drunk and Begging Me for SEX • Chapter 19 • Page ik-page-4409281
Chapter 19
This is a locked chapterChapter 19
About This Chapter
It's morning, and we're back in Hiroshi's office. He's not feeling well, and he's worried that his "reliable senior sex" is about to have sex with someone else. He wants to know what's going on, but he can't seem to find out. He wonders if it's because she's busy, or because she just had sex with a guy she doesn't like. He asks her if she has a "mo ment" , and she says she does, and then he asks if she wants to leave without saving his work first. She says she needs to get back to work ASAP, and Hiroshi says he'll do his best to fix the problem. He tells her that he just restored the data that was lost in the previous mistake, and they're going to be fine. Hiroshi thanks him for his help, and the two of them head back to the office.
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“That’s Too Bad... Should We Stop Here, Then?” My Reliable Senior is Dead Drunk and Begging Me for SEX • Chapter 19 • Page ik-page-4409281
Chapter 19
This is a locked chapterChapter 19
About This Chapter
It's morning, and we're back in Hiroshi's office. He's not feeling well, and he's worried that his "reliable senior sex" is about to have sex with someone else. He wants to know what's going on, but he can't seem to find out. He wonders if it's because she's busy, or because she just had sex with a guy she doesn't like. He asks her if she has a "mo ment" , and she says she does, and then he asks if she wants to leave without saving his work first. She says she needs to get back to work ASAP, and Hiroshi says he'll do his best to fix the problem. He tells her that he just restored the data that was lost in the previous mistake, and they're going to be fine. Hiroshi thanks him for his help, and the two of them head back to the office.
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