“That’s Too Bad... Should We Stop Here, Then?” My Reliable Senior is Dead Drunk and Begging Me for SEX • Chapter 39 • Page ik-page-4940262
Chapter 39
This is a locked chapterChapter 39
About This Chapter
"Stop here, then ! " , says the pant, who is trying to get the kiss from the snotty old lady. She's trying to make sure the kiss doesn't hurt her, but she can't seem to get it out of her mouth. She tries to squeeze the kiss out, but it's too tight, and she's worried that the kiss is going to hurt her. Finally, she squeezes it out, and the kiss goes off without a hitch. The pant says that he's so happy that he wants to tell her everything about her. He wants to know if she slaps no, and if she loves him, too. She says that she loves her too, and that she'll tell him everything when she visits him again. She tells him that they're busy at work, and they don't have time to have sex, so they'll just have to talk about the kiss when they meet again. They're both so excited that they forget to go out for a date, and then they realize that they have to go on a business trip, which is super important to both of them.
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“That’s Too Bad... Should We Stop Here, Then?” My Reliable Senior is Dead Drunk and Begging Me for SEX • Chapter 39 • Page ik-page-4940262
Chapter 39
This is a locked chapterChapter 39
About This Chapter
"Stop here, then ! " , says the pant, who is trying to get the kiss from the snotty old lady. She's trying to make sure the kiss doesn't hurt her, but she can't seem to get it out of her mouth. She tries to squeeze the kiss out, but it's too tight, and she's worried that the kiss is going to hurt her. Finally, she squeezes it out, and the kiss goes off without a hitch. The pant says that he's so happy that he wants to tell her everything about her. He wants to know if she slaps no, and if she loves him, too. She says that she loves her too, and that she'll tell him everything when she visits him again. She tells him that they're busy at work, and they don't have time to have sex, so they'll just have to talk about the kiss when they meet again. They're both so excited that they forget to go out for a date, and then they realize that they have to go on a business trip, which is super important to both of them.
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