“That’s Too Bad... Should We Stop Here, Then?” My Reliable Senior is Dead Drunk and Begging Me for SEX • Chapter 37 • Page ik-page-4940264
Chapter 37
This is a locked chapterChapter 37
About This Chapter
It's now been a month since the last time we saw the two of them together, and they're still hanging out together. They're having sex again, but this time it's with a guy named "Esther" . He's a bit drunk, but he's still a nice guy. He asks if they can have dinner after work, and she says yes, but she doesn't know what to make of it. She's going to have sex with someone named "Shiba" , who's also a "reliable senior sex," but she won't tell him what sex is. The two are having sex anyway, but they haven't had sex in a month, so they can't be sure what to do now that they've been together for such a long time.
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“That’s Too Bad... Should We Stop Here, Then?” My Reliable Senior is Dead Drunk and Begging Me for SEX • Chapter 37 • Page ik-page-4940264
Chapter 37
This is a locked chapterChapter 37
About This Chapter
It's now been a month since the last time we saw the two of them together, and they're still hanging out together. They're having sex again, but this time it's with a guy named "Esther" . He's a bit drunk, but he's still a nice guy. He asks if they can have dinner after work, and she says yes, but she doesn't know what to make of it. She's going to have sex with someone named "Shiba" , who's also a "reliable senior sex," but she won't tell him what sex is. The two are having sex anyway, but they haven't had sex in a month, so they can't be sure what to do now that they've been together for such a long time.
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