When the Governess arrives at the office, she is greeted by a "sweet voice" that makes her chirp. The Governess complains that she has not been able to return to the office because of a "clack clack" and a "screech" . When she asks if she is being reprimanded for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, he replies that she is not being reprimanded at all. He tells her to continue her studies from where they left off the previous day.
When the Governess arrives at the office, she is greeted by a "sweet voice" that makes her chirp. The Governess complains that she has not been able to return to the office because of a "clack clack" and a "screech" . When she asks if she is being reprimanded for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, he replies that she is not being reprimanded at all. He tells her to continue her studies from where they left off the previous day.