Asaba is calling on Roxane's behalf, asking her to join him for dinner. Roxane says she can't go because she's in love with him, but that she'll see him later that night. Asaba tells Roxane that a client has invited her out for dinner, but Roxane doesn't know what's going on. She asks Roxane if she should tell the office that Roxane is going straight home, but she says no, and Roxane leaves.
Asaba is calling on Roxane's behalf, asking her to join him for dinner. Roxane says she can't go because she's in love with him, but that she'll see him later that night. Asaba tells Roxane that a client has invited her out for dinner, but Roxane doesn't know what's going on. She asks Roxane if she should tell the office that Roxane is going straight home, but she says no, and Roxane leaves.