Lady-Killer Boss • Chapter 25 • Page ik-page-4306632
Chapter 25
This is a locked chapterChapter 25
About This Chapter
Okay, now we're back in the present tense, where we learn that Tsubaki is trying to avoid meeting with the woman he's been having an affair with. He's also avoiding the woman who's supposed to be his "preferred girlfriend" . Hmm...what's the deal with that? Well, it's not clear to us what the deal is, but we do know that it involves a lot of money, so it makes sense that he'd want someone to help him with the business. So, what's he going to do if he runs into his "pretend boyfriend" with another woman? Hmm... What's his plan? He decides to go to the woman's office and ask her what she's up to, but he can't figure out why she'd be sitting next to him. He also decides that it would be awkward if he left her to sit alone, so he asks her to go back to his office.
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Lady-Killer Boss • Chapter 25 • Page ik-page-4306632
Chapter 25
This is a locked chapterChapter 25
About This Chapter
Okay, now we're back in the present tense, where we learn that Tsubaki is trying to avoid meeting with the woman he's been having an affair with. He's also avoiding the woman who's supposed to be his "preferred girlfriend" . Hmm...what's the deal with that? Well, it's not clear to us what the deal is, but we do know that it involves a lot of money, so it makes sense that he'd want someone to help him with the business. So, what's he going to do if he runs into his "pretend boyfriend" with another woman? Hmm... What's his plan? He decides to go to the woman's office and ask her what she's up to, but he can't figure out why she'd be sitting next to him. He also decides that it would be awkward if he left her to sit alone, so he asks her to go back to his office.
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