My First Sexual Experience Was With My Older Sister’s Boyfriend, -Don’t Cum Inside Me With Her Right Beside Us...! • Chapter 34 • Page ik-page-4131890
Chapter 34
This is a locked chapterChapter 34
About This Chapter
The Governess tells the Governess that she is tired of hearing about her friend's return to school. She tells her that she was told to go and look around the school and come back right away. She is sorry that she has to stay so long, but she says that she will teach her how to solve the problem she is having. She says that if she does not solve it quickly, she might find her self in trouble. She warns her not to make someone mad, as she might be scolded by her teacher for going home late. She then says that being late makes sense, since she would wake up when she did not have to leave the house. She asks if she has been giving notice of her return to the school, to which she replies that it is good, since it reflects on her grades
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My First Sexual Experience Was With My Older Sister’s Boyfriend, -Don’t Cum Inside Me With Her Right Beside Us...! • Chapter 34 • Page ik-page-4131890
Chapter 34
This is a locked chapterChapter 34
About This Chapter
The Governess tells the Governess that she is tired of hearing about her friend's return to school. She tells her that she was told to go and look around the school and come back right away. She is sorry that she has to stay so long, but she says that she will teach her how to solve the problem she is having. She says that if she does not solve it quickly, she might find her self in trouble. She warns her not to make someone mad, as she might be scolded by her teacher for going home late. She then says that being late makes sense, since she would wake up when she did not have to leave the house. She asks if she has been giving notice of her return to the school, to which she replies that it is good, since it reflects on her grades
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