The Governess and the Governess's younger sister, Milady, are on their way to Milady's school. Milady tells her sister that she's not feeling well, but Milady assures her that both of them will be at school. She tells Milady that she can't leave because she'll be late for class, and Milady says that she doesn't want to be late because she has a "testist period" . She asks Milady to take her to the school, and she tells her that she knows a short cut to get there, and that she won't be able to make it on time because of the test. She's worried that Milady will be late, too, because he's acting the same way he always does. She says that the road is getting deserted, and they're close enough to get to the end of the road, where Milady can pick her up. She wants to know what Milady is doing, because she knows that she loves her sister, and wants to hear her moans and groans. She tries to stop Milady from doing anything, but she can do nothing.
The Governess and the Governess's younger sister, Milady, are on their way to Milady's school. Milady tells her sister that she's not feeling well, but Milady assures her that both of them will be at school. She tells Milady that she can't leave because she'll be late for class, and Milady says that she doesn't want to be late because she has a "testist period" . She asks Milady to take her to the school, and she tells her that she knows a short cut to get there, and that she won't be able to make it on time because of the test. She's worried that Milady will be late, too, because he's acting the same way he always does. She says that the road is getting deserted, and they're close enough to get to the end of the road, where Milady can pick her up. She wants to know what Milady is doing, because she knows that she loves her sister, and wants to hear her moans and groans. She tries to stop Milady from doing anything, but she can do nothing.