My First Sexual Experience Was With My Older Sister’s Boyfriend, -Don’t Cum Inside Me With Her Right Beside Us...! • Chapter 18 • Page ik-page-4131867
Chapter 18
This is a locked chapterChapter 18
About This Chapter
When the chapter opens, Ani asks her older sister, Miss Kisarazu, if she can solve the problem on the page for her. Ani says that she has heard that she is good at math, but she can't figure out how to get away from her brother-in-law, who is enjoying the game. Ani asks if it is too difficult for her, and the older sister says that it is, but Ani is afraid that it will be too hard for her to grasp. She says that if she is not careful in front of everyone, she will get caught in a trap. Ani wonders what is going on with her little sister, and she wonders if she looks ill. Ani tries to calm her down, saying that she can usually solve the game easily, but that she cannot find her focus on the task at hand. She asks if someone's phone is buzzing nonstop, and Ani says it is. She then asks if the other person's voice is coming from her. The older sister replies that she does not know, and that she will turn off her phone if it gets too loud. Ani tells her sister that if the older man comes any closer, he will hear the sound of her coming.
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My First Sexual Experience Was With My Older Sister’s Boyfriend, -Don’t Cum Inside Me With Her Right Beside Us...! • Chapter 18 • Page ik-page-4131867
Chapter 18
This is a locked chapterChapter 18
About This Chapter
When the chapter opens, Ani asks her older sister, Miss Kisarazu, if she can solve the problem on the page for her. Ani says that she has heard that she is good at math, but she can't figure out how to get away from her brother-in-law, who is enjoying the game. Ani asks if it is too difficult for her, and the older sister says that it is, but Ani is afraid that it will be too hard for her to grasp. She says that if she is not careful in front of everyone, she will get caught in a trap. Ani wonders what is going on with her little sister, and she wonders if she looks ill. Ani tries to calm her down, saying that she can usually solve the game easily, but that she cannot find her focus on the task at hand. She asks if someone's phone is buzzing nonstop, and Ani says it is. She then asks if the other person's voice is coming from her. The older sister replies that she does not know, and that she will turn off her phone if it gets too loud. Ani tells her sister that if the older man comes any closer, he will hear the sound of her coming.
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