The scene opens with the arrival of a young man from the market. The young man introduces himself as "Su liuan" , and the narrator informs us that the young man is the son of the "Su family" . Su liuan is the daughter of the concubine of the family. The narrator tells us that he is a good daughter, and that her father should forgive her for coming late to the house. He tells her that she is a "good daughter" and that she can blame her father for her coming late. The girl tells her father to talk to her father about her upcoming marriage, but her father refuses to listen to her
The scene opens with the arrival of a young man from the market. The young man introduces himself as "Su liuan" , and the narrator informs us that the young man is the son of the "Su family" . Su liuan is the daughter of the concubine of the family. The narrator tells us that he is a good daughter, and that her father should forgive her for coming late to the house. He tells her that she is a "good daughter" and that she can blame her father for her coming late. The girl tells her father to talk to her father about her upcoming marriage, but her father refuses to listen to her