Now that the prince's wife and daughter have arrived at the inn, they all sit down to have a bite to eat. The first person to greet them is the innkeeper, who tells them that his daughter is naughty and stubborn, but that he is not qualified to hold her. The innkeeper says that he just asked his daughter to stay overnight in his inn so that she would not be tempted to go back to her wicked ways. He says that if he detains her, he will not betray the majesty. He then tells the innkeeper that he hopes that the minister will not form a political party with the princes. He promises that he will return his daughter unharmed in six months.
Now that the prince's wife and daughter have arrived at the inn, they all sit down to have a bite to eat. The first person to greet them is the innkeeper, who tells them that his daughter is naughty and stubborn, but that he is not qualified to hold her. The innkeeper says that he just asked his daughter to stay overnight in his inn so that she would not be tempted to go back to her wicked ways. He says that if he detains her, he will not betray the majesty. He then tells the innkeeper that he hopes that the minister will not form a political party with the princes. He promises that he will return his daughter unharmed in six months.