This is a locked chapterChapter 10: Reverse Refining!
About This Chapter
This chapter's epigraph comes from a famous poem by a famous poet. It's called "Blow," and it's about a corpse puppet. The corpse puppet has a golden core phase, which means it has a lot of healing powers. This means that the corpse puppet can use its healing powers to heal the body of a person who's been killed. This is a really important point, because it means that you can use the healing powers of the dead to heal people who've been killed by other people. The dead person can then be used as a weapon against the living person.
This is a locked chapterChapter 10: Reverse Refining!
About This Chapter
This chapter's epigraph comes from a famous poem by a famous poet. It's called "Blow," and it's about a corpse puppet. The corpse puppet has a golden core phase, which means it has a lot of healing powers. This means that the corpse puppet can use its healing powers to heal the body of a person who's been killed. This is a really important point, because it means that you can use the healing powers of the dead to heal people who've been killed by other people. The dead person can then be used as a weapon against the living person.