My Cactus Boyfriend • Chapter 47 • Page ik-page-3756476
My Cactus Boyfriend • Chapter 47 • Page ik-page-3755015
My Cactus Boyfriend • Chapter 47 • Page ik-page-3754998
My Cactus Boyfriend • Chapter 47 • Page ik-page-3755026
My Cactus Boyfriend • Chapter 47 • Page ik-page-3754999
My Cactus Boyfriend • Chapter 47 • Page ik-page-3755023
Chapter 47
This is a locked chapterChapter 47
About This Chapter
The two men go to a deserted temple dedicated to "the god of agriculture" , the "god of creation" and the "God of the universe" . The men are worried about the peach blossom demon, which they don't yet know its identity. They're looking for it, but they can't figure out who it is, and they'll have to wait a long time before they can figure it out. They wonder if it's a male or female demon, and if they can find out its identity, where should they start looking? The men speculate that the ring is a passage for reincarnation, and that huang-aotian wants to use it as a way to get back to the plants after he's been imprisoned in hell for two thousand years. They also wonder why he would want to protect the ring, when he'd been pursuing it all his life. He's not a woman, after all, and he wishes that the gods would whip him more often, but no one cares about him. He decides that he'll keep pursuing the ring because he wants to protect someone.
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My Cactus Boyfriend • Chapter 47 • Page ik-page-3756476
My Cactus Boyfriend • Chapter 47 • Page ik-page-3755015
My Cactus Boyfriend • Chapter 47 • Page ik-page-3754998
My Cactus Boyfriend • Chapter 47 • Page ik-page-3755026
My Cactus Boyfriend • Chapter 47 • Page ik-page-3754999
My Cactus Boyfriend • Chapter 47 • Page ik-page-3755023
Chapter 47
This is a locked chapterChapter 47
About This Chapter
The two men go to a deserted temple dedicated to "the god of agriculture" , the "god of creation" and the "God of the universe" . The men are worried about the peach blossom demon, which they don't yet know its identity. They're looking for it, but they can't figure out who it is, and they'll have to wait a long time before they can figure it out. They wonder if it's a male or female demon, and if they can find out its identity, where should they start looking? The men speculate that the ring is a passage for reincarnation, and that huang-aotian wants to use it as a way to get back to the plants after he's been imprisoned in hell for two thousand years. They also wonder why he would want to protect the ring, when he'd been pursuing it all his life. He's not a woman, after all, and he wishes that the gods would whip him more often, but no one cares about him. He decides that he'll keep pursuing the ring because he wants to protect someone.
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