The Devil Whispered in My Ear • Chapter 49 • Page ik-page-3825836
The Devil Whispered in My Ear • Chapter 49 • Page ik-page-3823787
The Devil Whispered in My Ear • Chapter 49 • Page ik-page-3823788
Chapter 49
This is a locked chapterChapter 49
About This Chapter
The scene opens with a conversation between Lucentio and the Governess. The Governess tells the others that she is not interested in playing the part of a famous character in a famous play. She is also worried about her family and needs money. She offers to give them a number to call if they need money immediately. She says that if she needs money in the future, she will give it to her.
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The Devil Whispered in My Ear • Chapter 49 • Page ik-page-3825836
The Devil Whispered in My Ear • Chapter 49 • Page ik-page-3823787
The Devil Whispered in My Ear • Chapter 49 • Page ik-page-3823788
Chapter 49
This is a locked chapterChapter 49
About This Chapter
The scene opens with a conversation between Lucentio and the Governess. The Governess tells the others that she is not interested in playing the part of a famous character in a famous play. She is also worried about her family and needs money. She offers to give them a number to call if they need money immediately. She says that if she needs money in the future, she will give it to her.
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