The Devil Whispered in My Ear • Chapter 97 • Page ik-page-4741189
The Devil Whispered in My Ear • Chapter 97 • Page ik-page-4738913
The Devil Whispered in My Ear • Chapter 97 • Page ik-page-4738914
Chapter 97
This is a locked chapterChapter 97
About This Chapter
After his brother died from an accidental fall, Valentine sent him to an old farmhouse in the countryside so that he could "rest" for a while. Through Valentine, Huck got to know his grandma, who decided to help the family when her husband died. Huck says that if he had known about this earlier, things might have been different.
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The Devil Whispered in My Ear • Chapter 97 • Page ik-page-4741189
The Devil Whispered in My Ear • Chapter 97 • Page ik-page-4738913
The Devil Whispered in My Ear • Chapter 97 • Page ik-page-4738914
Chapter 97
This is a locked chapterChapter 97
About This Chapter
After his brother died from an accidental fall, Valentine sent him to an old farmhouse in the countryside so that he could "rest" for a while. Through Valentine, Huck got to know his grandma, who decided to help the family when her husband died. Huck says that if he had known about this earlier, things might have been different.
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