The scene opens with a young man named Anson-Jin, who has arranged for a young woman named Zillah to serve as a hostess at a party. The young man, who is called "anson-jin," tells the young woman that he has arranged the job for her because she is "suitable" for the job. He tells her that he is a "professional" and that he will be embarrassed at the party. He asks her to follow him to the room where the party is to be held. When she sees that the young man's wife is present, she asks him to bring her to her room. She tells him that her legs hurt badly and her body feels weak. She says that she only remembers drinking a glass or two of wine, but that she must have put something in the wine. Her legs hurt so badly that she can barely move. She calls for help and tells him to get out of the room as soon as he can. He says that he simply wants to change his partner. After all, his wife is the "true master" in his family. He instructs her to take him and the photos to Mr. Jin. She begs him not to kill her husband.
The scene opens with a young man named Anson-Jin, who has arranged for a young woman named Zillah to serve as a hostess at a party. The young man, who is called "anson-jin," tells the young woman that he has arranged the job for her because she is "suitable" for the job. He tells her that he is a "professional" and that he will be embarrassed at the party. He asks her to follow him to the room where the party is to be held. When she sees that the young man's wife is present, she asks him to bring her to her room. She tells him that her legs hurt badly and her body feels weak. She says that she only remembers drinking a glass or two of wine, but that she must have put something in the wine. Her legs hurt so badly that she can barely move. She calls for help and tells him to get out of the room as soon as he can. He says that he simply wants to change his partner. After all, his wife is the "true master" in his family. He instructs her to take him and the photos to Mr. Jin. She begs him not to kill her husband.