The next morning, the Governess receives an urgent message from her employer. She apologizes profusely for causing such a ruckus, but says that she cannot leave her job because she can't make enough money to do so. She promises to bring her some new clothes and tells her employer that she's fired. The Governess tells everyone that she can teach them a lesson, and then she'll show them how to fire her too. She tells everyone to go back to their jobs, but she warns them not to turn around because she is bleeding. She also tells them to ask the girl she saw at the festival if she would like to be her double.
The next morning, the Governess receives an urgent message from her employer. She apologizes profusely for causing such a ruckus, but says that she cannot leave her job because she can't make enough money to do so. She promises to bring her some new clothes and tells her employer that she's fired. The Governess tells everyone that she can teach them a lesson, and then she'll show them how to fire her too. She tells everyone to go back to their jobs, but she warns them not to turn around because she is bleeding. She also tells them to ask the girl she saw at the festival if she would like to be her double.