In this chapter, we are introduced to a young man named Nemo, who has just returned from playing with his family's youngest son. Nemo's father is a famous businessman, and the young man has come to dine at a restaurant owned by his father's business associate. The young man asks Nemo why he is dining at the restaurant, and Nemo replies that he wants to eat with his sister, who is also present. Nemo asks his sister if she would like to have dinner with him, and she replies that she would. Nemo then asks his father if he would like a free meal, and his father responds that he would, if he could get one for himself. Nemo, however, does not want to go to the restaurant because it is crowded, and so he goes to get a card. When he returns, he finds that the restaurant has changed little since Nemo first arrived, and that the youngest son has changed a great deal. He asks Nemo if he should have joined the family in order to avoid standing in the doorway, but Nemo says he would rather not,
In this chapter, we are introduced to a young man named Nemo, who has just returned from playing with his family's youngest son. Nemo's father is a famous businessman, and the young man has come to dine at a restaurant owned by his father's business associate. The young man asks Nemo why he is dining at the restaurant, and Nemo replies that he wants to eat with his sister, who is also present. Nemo asks his sister if she would like to have dinner with him, and she replies that she would. Nemo then asks his father if he would like a free meal, and his father responds that he would, if he could get one for himself. Nemo, however, does not want to go to the restaurant because it is crowded, and so he goes to get a card. When he returns, he finds that the restaurant has changed little since Nemo first arrived, and that the youngest son has changed a great deal. He asks Nemo if he should have joined the family in order to avoid standing in the doorway, but Nemo says he would rather not,