Venom Doctor

Venom Doctor • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-2742979
Venom Doctor • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-2741708
Venom Doctor • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-2741709
Venom Doctor • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-2741710
Venom Doctor • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-2741711
Chapter 3
This is a locked chapterChapter 3
About This Chapter
Dr. Huang tells his son that he and his family have been debt-free for a long time. He says that they owe their uncle a lot of money, but that he can't pay it back. He asks his son if he's planning to pay back the money he owes him. The son says that he is, and that he still owes his uncle money. The father asks when his son is going to pay off the debt, and the son replies that he'll pay it off in the future. When the father asks what's going on, the son tells him that they're going to use their chicken farm as leverage to get their uncle's money back. The village head says that the chicken farm is too small to buy a big mountain, so they'll have to use another one instead. He's shocked that the village head is planning to use his chicken farm to get his money back, and says that it's a coincidence that he just came bearing gifts. He tells the father to go ahead and buy the mountain, because no matter what kind of animal they farm, the animals will die anyway. The dad says that his son has already prepared everything for the day, so he won't make any mistakes. He thanks the father for saving the money, and tells him to give him back the receipt for the loan. He also says that if he finds a treasure on the mountain today, he will pee like a dog.
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Venom Doctor

Venom Doctor • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-2742979
Venom Doctor • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-2741708
Venom Doctor • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-2741709
Venom Doctor • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-2741710
Venom Doctor • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-2741711
Chapter 3
This is a locked chapterChapter 3
About This Chapter
Dr. Huang tells his son that he and his family have been debt-free for a long time. He says that they owe their uncle a lot of money, but that he can't pay it back. He asks his son if he's planning to pay back the money he owes him. The son says that he is, and that he still owes his uncle money. The father asks when his son is going to pay off the debt, and the son replies that he'll pay it off in the future. When the father asks what's going on, the son tells him that they're going to use their chicken farm as leverage to get their uncle's money back. The village head says that the chicken farm is too small to buy a big mountain, so they'll have to use another one instead. He's shocked that the village head is planning to use his chicken farm to get his money back, and says that it's a coincidence that he just came bearing gifts. He tells the father to go ahead and buy the mountain, because no matter what kind of animal they farm, the animals will die anyway. The dad says that his son has already prepared everything for the day, so he won't make any mistakes. He thanks the father for saving the money, and tells him to give him back the receipt for the loan. He also says that if he finds a treasure on the mountain today, he will pee like a dog.
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