The Governess and the Governess leave to discuss the situation with the Second Marshal. When they arrive at the gate, they are met by Gu Qingzhou, who asks them where they are going. He tells them to turn around and go back to their rooms. He then shows Gu a photo of her son and asks her where he is. She asks him to show her the address of the school where her two step-sisters have been expelled and she can't go to school either. She wants to know who is going to negotiate with her on her behalf and she asks if he's worried about her son. He says he'll find him soon. She tells him to get up and wait for her.
The Governess and the Governess leave to discuss the situation with the Second Marshal. When they arrive at the gate, they are met by Gu Qingzhou, who asks them where they are going. He tells them to turn around and go back to their rooms. He then shows Gu a photo of her son and asks her where he is. She asks him to show her the address of the school where her two step-sisters have been expelled and she can't go to school either. She wants to know who is going to negotiate with her on her behalf and she asks if he's worried about her son. He says he'll find him soon. She tells him to get up and wait for her.