The next morning, the Governess returns to the house and finds that her husband is cooking dinner for her. The Governess tells her husband that she has opened a safe deposit box in the bank and that he can keep her valuables there. She tells him that she is always dressed in a casual manner and that her gun is always kept in a safe place. He tells her that he is aware of her family situation and pays attention to the little thanks she gives him. He sends her back to eat and then tells her to come back after they finish eating. He informs her that the master plans to evict the family from the house. He says that they have an old house and that they will have to move to the countryside. She is worried that her father will not be strong enough to evict them. She resolves to give her father a large gift and that she will make sure that he pays for what she did.
The next morning, the Governess returns to the house and finds that her husband is cooking dinner for her. The Governess tells her husband that she has opened a safe deposit box in the bank and that he can keep her valuables there. She tells him that she is always dressed in a casual manner and that her gun is always kept in a safe place. He tells her that he is aware of her family situation and pays attention to the little thanks she gives him. He sends her back to eat and then tells her to come back after they finish eating. He informs her that the master plans to evict the family from the house. He says that they have an old house and that they will have to move to the countryside. She is worried that her father will not be strong enough to evict them. She resolves to give her father a large gift and that she will make sure that he pays for what she did.