In this short scene, the audience is introduced to a young man who has just returned from a visit with his father. The young man, who is named Billy, has come to take care of his father, who has fallen ill with a cold. When Billy asks where his daughter is, the young man tells him that she is in law school an hour away. He asks Billy to bring him medicine and water, and Billy agrees to do so. Billy asks about his father's marriage, but Billy says that he does not know what is going on with him. Billy tells Billy that he has taken his daughter to school to make sure that she does not catch the cold that Billy contracted while she was away. Billy says he thinks that sending his daughter away to school was the right thing to do, because he was worried about her safety. Billy thanks Billy for taking care of him, and he asks him to take a nap. Billy agrees, and they part ways.
In this short scene, the audience is introduced to a young man who has just returned from a visit with his father. The young man, who is named Billy, has come to take care of his father, who has fallen ill with a cold. When Billy asks where his daughter is, the young man tells him that she is in law school an hour away. He asks Billy to bring him medicine and water, and Billy agrees to do so. Billy asks about his father's marriage, but Billy says that he does not know what is going on with him. Billy tells Billy that he has taken his daughter to school to make sure that she does not catch the cold that Billy contracted while she was away. Billy says he thinks that sending his daughter away to school was the right thing to do, because he was worried about her safety. Billy thanks Billy for taking care of him, and he asks him to take a nap. Billy agrees, and they part ways.