A Kiss, For Real

A Kiss, For Real • last chapter • Page ik-page-450615
A Kiss, For Real • last chapter • Page ik-page-450622
A Kiss, For Real • last chapter • Page ik-page-450603
A Kiss, For Real • last chapter • Page ik-page-450632
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About This Chapter
It's the day of the exam, which means that tomorrow is the day that Oedo has to leave for the competition in kanazawa. Otani tells him that he's going to do his best tomorrow, but that he needs to think about tomorrow's exam because it's so important. He tells Oedo that he likes her art, and that she'll be able to see how far she's come in the competition. He's off to a good start. He also tells Otani that there are two exams, one for pencil sketching and one for eye catching. The first exam is to draw as you'd for a competition, and the second is to do something more interesting. He says that tomorrow he'll give the exam his all. He asks Otani what to do, and Otani says that he should go back to his hotel and review everything. He then tells him to pick whatever motif he'd like to do in the exam. He doesn't want them to be apart, but he also doesn' t want to finish the exam before someone else has already done it. He wants to finish his piece, but Otani won't let him do it, because that person will already be using his piece. He gives Otani his results, and they're the ones he has to look at. He decides to design a course for next year.
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A Kiss, For Real

A Kiss, For Real • last chapter • Page ik-page-450615
A Kiss, For Real • last chapter • Page ik-page-450622
A Kiss, For Real • last chapter • Page ik-page-450603
A Kiss, For Real • last chapter • Page ik-page-450632
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About This Chapter
It's the day of the exam, which means that tomorrow is the day that Oedo has to leave for the competition in kanazawa. Otani tells him that he's going to do his best tomorrow, but that he needs to think about tomorrow's exam because it's so important. He tells Oedo that he likes her art, and that she'll be able to see how far she's come in the competition. He's off to a good start. He also tells Otani that there are two exams, one for pencil sketching and one for eye catching. The first exam is to draw as you'd for a competition, and the second is to do something more interesting. He says that tomorrow he'll give the exam his all. He asks Otani what to do, and Otani says that he should go back to his hotel and review everything. He then tells him to pick whatever motif he'd like to do in the exam. He doesn't want them to be apart, but he also doesn' t want to finish the exam before someone else has already done it. He wants to finish his piece, but Otani won't let him do it, because that person will already be using his piece. He gives Otani his results, and they're the ones he has to look at. He decides to design a course for next year.
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