The next day, the young master is about to leave for his "exorcise" with the "immortal" who turned him into a human. The old master tells him that the "demon path after all" has returned, and that the old master has to repay him for helping him find the "swell" and making it into a "magic treasure." The young master says that worldly life is "beautiful," but that he is worried about his health because he is "draining his body." He says that he has been serving the master for years and that he loves him, although he has lost his mobility.
The next day, the young master is about to leave for his "exorcise" with the "immortal" who turned him into a human. The old master tells him that the "demon path after all" has returned, and that the old master has to repay him for helping him find the "swell" and making it into a "magic treasure." The young master says that worldly life is "beautiful," but that he is worried about his health because he is "draining his body." He says that he has been serving the master for years and that he loves him, although he has lost his mobility.