In this short scene, we are introduced to Tetamaki, a young woman who is engaged to a man of about the same age as her. The couple is in the middle of preparing a bouquet of flowers for her upcoming wedding. Tatamaki asks her friend to wait while she prepares the bouquet, as she wonders if the man will say anything different from what he has just said. She asks him to wait until she is comfortable with the age difference between herself and the man, and he responds that he will wait if she is worried about it. He then tells her that he cares for her no matter how old she is, and that he wants her to marry him as soon as possible.
In this short scene, we are introduced to Tetamaki, a young woman who is engaged to a man of about the same age as her. The couple is in the middle of preparing a bouquet of flowers for her upcoming wedding. Tatamaki asks her friend to wait while she prepares the bouquet, as she wonders if the man will say anything different from what he has just said. She asks him to wait until she is comfortable with the age difference between herself and the man, and he responds that he will wait if she is worried about it. He then tells her that he cares for her no matter how old she is, and that he wants her to marry him as soon as possible.