No use in arguing, you’re my wife! -Being pursued by a male 12 years younger • Chapter 9 • Page ik-page-5115276
Chapter 9
This is a locked chapterChapter 9
About This Chapter
"No use in arguing" , the narrator tells us, is what we're about to find out. He's about to be pursued by a guy who's 12 years younger than him. The narrator has no idea what he's being pursued by, but he does know that the guy's got a crush on him. He wants to know what he can do to stop the guy from pursuing him. What can he do? He can't do anything about it, because the guy is so young. He can only do what the guy wants him to do. The guy wants to kiss him, but the narrator is too tired to do anything but kiss him. So he asks the guy to rub the spot on his shirt where the man's fingers are touching him. It's so hot, the guy says, that he feels like he
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No use in arguing, you’re my wife! -Being pursued by a male 12 years younger • Chapter 9 • Page ik-page-5115276
Chapter 9
This is a locked chapterChapter 9
About This Chapter
"No use in arguing" , the narrator tells us, is what we're about to find out. He's about to be pursued by a guy who's 12 years younger than him. The narrator has no idea what he's being pursued by, but he does know that the guy's got a crush on him. He wants to know what he can do to stop the guy from pursuing him. What can he do? He can't do anything about it, because the guy is so young. He can only do what the guy wants him to do. The guy wants to kiss him, but the narrator is too tired to do anything but kiss him. So he asks the guy to rub the spot on his shirt where the man's fingers are touching him. It's so hot, the guy says, that he feels like he
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