No use in arguing, you’re my wife! -Being pursued by a male 12 years younger • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-5115284
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
"No use in arguing" , the narrator tells his wife. He's been wooing her for a while now, and she's not having any of it. He tells her to "come a bit closer" . He wants her to be patient with him, because he's going to try to get her to give in to his advances. She's all, "kiss, kiss, squeeze, kiss squeeze squeeze squeeze, pull rattle, seems like he has gone." He'll be back, she says, "in a pinch again." She thanks him for coming, but she doesn't want to be with someone who's just "getting what is this." She wants to go back to her normal routine, which is to go to the office, get dressed, and prepare for the exam. But she'll have to wait until the exam's over. The narrator asks her to go fix her hair and change her hair, or if she can't, he can help. She says she still has a lot of work to do before the exam, so she needs to go ahead and do it. She tells him to "put it back" and to "wear a dress." The narrator says he'll buy her a new mug so she won't have to buy a new one every time she goes to the arcade. He says he hasn't been in the arcade since he was a student. He asks her if she has been grumpy lately, and her response is, "I haven't gotten so mad recently from all of the have . . I work you important, but don1t you need1t to blow offsteam every so often?" . She reminds him to always be by her side in tough times, and he thanks her for taking him home.
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No use in arguing, you’re my wife! -Being pursued by a male 12 years younger • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-5115284
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
"No use in arguing" , the narrator tells his wife. He's been wooing her for a while now, and she's not having any of it. He tells her to "come a bit closer" . He wants her to be patient with him, because he's going to try to get her to give in to his advances. She's all, "kiss, kiss, squeeze, kiss squeeze squeeze squeeze, pull rattle, seems like he has gone." He'll be back, she says, "in a pinch again." She thanks him for coming, but she doesn't want to be with someone who's just "getting what is this." She wants to go back to her normal routine, which is to go to the office, get dressed, and prepare for the exam. But she'll have to wait until the exam's over. The narrator asks her to go fix her hair and change her hair, or if she can't, he can help. She says she still has a lot of work to do before the exam, so she needs to go ahead and do it. She tells him to "put it back" and to "wear a dress." The narrator says he'll buy her a new mug so she won't have to buy a new one every time she goes to the arcade. He says he hasn't been in the arcade since he was a student. He asks her if she has been grumpy lately, and her response is, "I haven't gotten so mad recently from all of the have . . I work you important, but don1t you need1t to blow offsteam every so often?" . She reminds him to always be by her side in tough times, and he thanks her for taking him home.
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