No use in arguing, you’re my wife! -Being pursued by a male 12 years younger • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-5115280
Chapter 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 2
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we are introduced to Mr. Dixon and his wife, who are both 32 years old. They have been engaged for four years and are now engaged to be married for one year. They are in the middle of an argument about whether or not it is too late for them to get married, when a thud interrupts them. The thud is the sound of a man's footsteps, and the thud indicates that the man has come to visit his wife. He is a young man, but he is also an adult, and so he is not yet ready to marry. He tells her that if she does not marry him by the age of 32, then he will have her by then. He then tells her to wait until she is an adult before he will marry her. She is shocked and asks him to wait a year. He says that he is already old enough to marry her, and that he does not want to wait for her to become an adult. She tells him that she has already waited four years, and he responds by saying that she is already older than he is. She says that they are both in their early twenties, and she is not ready to wait one year for marriage. She then tells him to take a half year to think things over, and then she will make him like her.
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No use in arguing, you’re my wife! -Being pursued by a male 12 years younger • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-5115280
Chapter 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 2
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we are introduced to Mr. Dixon and his wife, who are both 32 years old. They have been engaged for four years and are now engaged to be married for one year. They are in the middle of an argument about whether or not it is too late for them to get married, when a thud interrupts them. The thud is the sound of a man's footsteps, and the thud indicates that the man has come to visit his wife. He is a young man, but he is also an adult, and so he is not yet ready to marry. He tells her that if she does not marry him by the age of 32, then he will have her by then. He then tells her to wait until she is an adult before he will marry her. She is shocked and asks him to wait a year. He says that he is already old enough to marry her, and that he does not want to wait for her to become an adult. She tells him that she has already waited four years, and he responds by saying that she is already older than he is. She says that they are both in their early twenties, and she is not ready to wait one year for marriage. She then tells him to take a half year to think things over, and then she will make him like her.
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